Why scoop the poop?

Dog’s has a high protein based food diet plan that creates a very acidic waste which doesn’t leave your yard looking very green. It can take up to one year to decompose your dog’s waste but that isn’t very good either it can run off into water ways and containment them & most importantly poop can contain 23 million fecal coliform of bacteria!


poop facts

  • The average dog poops three to four pounds of poop a day or 1,008 pounds per year!

  • Dog poop is not a fertilizer it causes burns and unsightly discoloration to your yard.

  • Dog feces are one of the most common carriers of these diseases heartworms, parvo , Salmonellosis , tapeworms.

  • 10 million pounds of dog waste is produced each year with 72.8 million dogs we have in the United States!

Why The Turd Burglars?

We offer a weekly , bi-weekly , once a month or just a one time clean up. We guarantee you will be 100% satisfied if you aren’t satisfied with our services we will be back within 24 hours.




Do you clean all year around?

Yes we work all year around dogs poop everyday they don’t stop!

Can you work with my dogs in the yard?

Yes, we loves dogs and it makes the job more enjoyable when we see dogs everyday! If your dog is aggressive towards people then we asked not to let your dog out while we are servicing your yard.

Do you disinfect your tools after your done scooping a yard?

We spray or rakes and buckets and shoes with bacteria killing spray between each and every yard.

Can you do apartment complexes or HOA’S?

Yes we can service apartments or HOA’S give us a call we will install pet waste stations around your facility and service them weekly or bi-weekly. We also supply the trash bags for those stations.